Ballistic Helmets
Due to the current market climate, most of our gear is selling faster then we can stock them. Because of this, items like Ballistic Helmets may have a short lead time. These items are on a constant order system which means as soon as the manufactures have them made, they ship them to us until we tell them to stop. We are working as hard as we can to fill orders so please let us know if you have any question!
ACE LINK **GEN II** High Cut Level IIIA Ballistic Helmet
ACE LINK **GEN II** High Cut Level IIIA Ballistic Helmet
Introducing the Ace Link Special Mission Gen2 Ballistic Helmet: a Strategic Upgrade in Personal Protection.
Made in direct collaboration with Delta Three Oscar™, this helmet features the revolutionary Halo™ Ballistic Helmet Liner System and offers robust defense against handgun rounds, conforming to NIJ.06 Level IIIA and NIJ.07 HG2 standards.
Additionally, it provides exceptional fragment resistance, with a V-50 rating exceeding 2300ft/s according to STANAG2920. This optimal blend of comfort and safety is available at a price point that respects your budget, making it the premier choice for comprehensive protection.
Our innovative Gen2 special mission is lighter than other models which provide excellent protection against .44 Magnum rounds while being more cost-effective.
Aramid Construction– perfect way to protect law enforcement and military personnel in any situation.
NIJ.06 IIIA Level of protection – defeats a .357 SIG (FMJ FN) and .44 Magnum (SJHP) rounds.
Fragment protection – STANAG2920 V50 at 2150 ft/sec.
Blunt impact protection – AR/PD 10-02 and ASTM E4-14.
Shroud and side rails to mount accessories.
Special Mission Gen 2 Ballistic Helmet is a great choice for those seeking comfort and adaptability:
Fully adjustable suspension.
Sizes fit a wide variety of head measurements and use an adjustment dial to loosen or tighten crown tension.
Delta Three Oscar Halo™ is the lightest helmet liner (80g / 2.8oz) to exceed ACH blunt impact requirements by 33% (AR/PD 10-02).
Slide adjusting buckles easily center chinstrap on wearer.
Five Year Warranty
Special Mission Gen 2 Helmet is equipped with a dial allowing for wide adjustment on the wearers head.
Special Mission Generation 2 offers over 25% weight reduction compared with standard ACH styles, so you’re able stay in the field longer without feeling too weighed down or uncomfortable – ideal in chaotic and stressful environments!